Creation conference

Friday, April 25, 2025 – Sunday, April 27, 2025


The spring Creation Conference at Living Waters Bible Camp is an annual event that you need to make a part of your church training program! We recruit premier, nationally known creation scientists to come and give expert testimony to the wonder of God’s creation!  If you are a lifelong creation enthusiast or just full of questions this event will give you the training you need to understand God’s Word and the world around you. 

Conference Description, Speakers, Schedule, and Cost


The Living Waters Bible Camp Creation Conference is an ideal training program for the whole family. Nationally renowned creation speakers will share technical talks on critical topics in the defense of Biblical Creation.

Living Waters Bible Camp staff and volunteers will be providing hands on Creation Programs for children 5 years old – 12 years old through out the conference.  Childcare will be provided for younger children (Infant – 4 year olds).  See the sample schedule below to see when these programs and childcare will be provided.

Sit back and leave the planning to us. Meals and housing will be provided for each family. Register early to reserve housing for your family.

As we learn about our incredible creator God we will drawn to worship. Sessions will include a time to give praise to our wonderful God by responding in worship.


Prof. Andy McIntosh –

Professor Andy McIntosh holds an Emeritus chair in Thermodynamics at the University of Leeds and is also an adjunct professor of Engineering at Liberty University in Virginia. He has had a long scientific research career concerning mathematics, combustion and aeronautics, both in academia and in a government establishment, and is author of over 200 academic papers. Andy is the inventor of the 𝜇Mist novel spray technology which copies the Bombardier beetle spray and has led to this spray technology being applied to fuel injectors, pharmaceutical sprays, aerosols and more recently fire sprinkler systems. This was awarded the 2010 Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. His work has also included investigations into the fundamental link between thermodynamics and information. This strikes at the heart of the issue concerning abiogenesis – the information in living systems is neither matter nor energy but is absolutely essential for life. He is now actively researching the specific energy pathways involved in biochemical systems engineering.

Andy lectures widely on origins showing that true science is entirely consistent with a biblical view of origins. He has also authored the books “Genesis for Today” (Day One, 6th Edi on, 2017), “A verse by verse examination of Genesis 1-11” (Day One, 2016) and has contributed to a number of other books including “Wonders of Creation – Design in a fallen world”(co-authored with Stuart Burgess and Brian Edwards, Day One, 2017), “Origins – examining the evidence” (Truth in Science, 2011), “In six days” (Master Books, 2009) and “Should Christians embrace Evolution?” (IVP, 2009). He has also written the booklet “Are you really an Atheist?” (2018), co-authored the booklets “Is it True – Evidence for Creation” (2018) and “A wonder of Creation – the Kingfisher” (2024), and is co-director of the UK education think tank Truth in Science. He is married with 4 children (one of whom died in infancy), and 7 grandchildren.

Jay Seegert- Jay is a longtime friend of camp and we are excited to have him back! He is the Keynote Speaker and Managing Director for The Starting Point Project, a creation ministry offering training through seminars and tours. Jay has a passion for helping Christians strengthen their faith, while also offering a gracious challenge to the sincere skeptic.

SCHEDULECheck back soon for more schedule details.

Friday, April 25th
6:00pm             Check In
7:00pm             Welcome to Living Waters
7:15pm              Singing
7:30pm             Session 1: Insect Inspiration – Prof. Andy McIntosh
8:30pm             Evening Activities
9:00pm             Camp Store

Saturday, April 26th
8:00am             Breakfast
9:00am             Welcome & Singing
9:30am              Session 2: The Wonder of Feathers – Prof. Andy McIntosh
10:30am            Break
11:00am            Session 3: The Wonder of Migration – Prof. Andy McIntosh
12:00pm           Lunch
1:00pm             Animals from Living Waters  
1:45pm              Session 4: Who Controls the Climate? – Prof. Andy McIntosh (Technical –  Fireside)
                           The Mighty Acorn – Dennis Siler (Family Friendly – Twin Oaks) 
3:00pm            Break
                           Creation Museum Tour  
                           Book Tables & Camp Store  
4:00pm            Session 5: Fingerprint of Intelligence – Prof. Andy McIntosh (Technical – Fireside)
                           Evolution: Probable of Problematic – Jay Seegert (Family Friendly – Twin Oaks)
5:00pm            Break
5:30pm            Supper
6:30pm            Singing  
6:45pm            Session 6: The Wonder of the Human Voice – Prof. Andy McIntosh
7:45pm            Book Tables/Camp Store  
                          Creation Museum Tour   
                          Camp Fire & S’mores  

Sunday, April 27th
8:00am           Breakfast
9:00am           At Grace Church: Prof. Andy McIntosh
                        At Camp: Intelligent Design: What’s it All About? – Jay Seegert
10:15am          How to be Involved at Living Waters 
10:45am         At Grace Church: Who Am I? – Jay Seegert
11:00am         Singing  
 11:15am         At Camp: Creation – Why is it Theologically Important – Prof. Andy McIntosh
12:30pm        Lunch
1:00pm          Clean Up/Depart

$99     13-Adult
$74     Children 4-12
      Children 3 & Under