how we do it


During His ministry here on earth Jesus often looked to nature to reveal a truth about the character of God. He used stories about sparrows, wheat, sheep, goats, seeds, and even controlled the weather to reveal himself to mankind. At Living Waters Bible Camp we use God’s creation to reveal the wonder of God to every camper. By studying creation we can learn a whole lot about the Creator.

God also reveals His character to us through the ministry of His people. Our many activities are designed to foster both fun and fellowship between our campers and staff. Our commitment to intentional programming results in activities that are both popular and purposeful.

Nature Programs


In our quest for a Big God, Little You we believe Servant Leadership is a key element in your relationship with God.  Proverbs states that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  (Proverbs 1:7)  It starts with humility!  When we humble ourselves God becomes Big and we become small.

As we follow our Lord Jesus we follow his example of leadership.  Jesus was the perfect example of a Servant Leader, for “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)


The Living Waters Bible Camp Team Adventure Challenge (TAC) program is a team building facility designed to build servant leaders.  Our highly experienced and qualified staff will facilitate your group in achieving its’ goals.

If your group is looking to become a successful team, come to camp! We’ve been leading groups through challenge activities for nearly two decades and think you’ll be surprised at how an afternoon in the woods with your team can change people. We have versatile indoor and outdoor facilities, excellent facilitators and one of the greatest challenge courses in the area!
