animal kingdom day

Sunday, October 5, 2025


Here is your chance to enjoy an afternoon of animal programs at Living Waters. God created a vast animal kingdom and we have quite a few animals to enjoy here at camp! Come get acquainted with a few of them. Animal Kingdom Day is a great experience  designed for you, your family, or your group to enjoy on a beautiful fall day.

Lunch is included and the afternoon is full of activities.

  • Meet Linus the Rhesus Monkey

  • Encounter exotic animals in our Investigation Center!

  • Come face to face with Honey Bees, a Tarantula, a Scorpion, and Hissing Cockroaches
  • Wagon rides for the whole family!

  • Enjoy nature hikes with your family in our beautiful and secluded valley.

  • Play a round of Disc Golf on our 9 Hole Disc Golf Course.

important notes

  1. Scheduled 40-minute programs begin at 1:15 pm.  Arrive promptly to enjoy them all!
  2. Lunch included from 12:30PM – 4:00PM
  3. Cost: $7 per person  (0-3 years old: Free)

A great event for:

  • Individuals

  • Families

  • Scout Troops

  • 4-H Groups

  • Youth Groups

  • School Groups