Each Tuesday, we’ll try to post a review, a testimony or a story from someone who has been to Living Waters Bible Camp. We hope you find these stories encouraging and fun to read!

We were initially nervous about sending our boys to LWBC for the first time, as we had not visited and didn’t know much about it. James and Will were begging to go after their cousins shared with them how much they enjoyed camp the summer before.

In 2008, James attended Boys Camp and Will attended 3rd-6th Grade Camp — they both came back raving about their experience! What was most striking was their articulation in “boy speak” about feeling spiritually refreshed and enlightened. They had a blast doing all the fun activities like swimming and games, but really expressed a desire to walk more closely with the Lord after their week at camp. I would describe it as a “spiritual high.” James said he’d rather go to camp than Disney World! And he asked me if I would consider being a staff in 2009 so he could be a” staff kid” and get to be at camp an additional week.
Sure enough, in 2009, Tim and Mindy Seeley were so gracious in finding a spot for me as babysitter and I was able to bring all 5 of our kids together to camp, while 2 were campers. What a great week of making new friends and basking in the fellowship of believers, not to mention watching the Lord’s work in progress as the campers were so beautifully ministered to by the staff. I loved every minute of my time there.
My husband, Joe, has taken the boys to the last two Father-Son Weekends; they come back exhausted but so happy and all have indicated that this is an annual event they won’t miss.
The Holy Spirit is alive and well in Westby, Wisconsin. If you haven’t had a chance to attend a camp or weekend event at Living Waters, I strongly encourage you to check out this awesome ministry!
~Amy Y.