James Swim & Jacob Loew

This year we did an interview with both Maintenance Summer Staff, Jacob Loew and James Swim about their experience in the world of maintaining the camp property (Interviewer Jackson Thompson).

Jackson T.

“What brought you to Summer Staff this year?”

Jacob L.

“I think it took five years of my sister Rebekah crowing the praises of Summer Staff to get me to come with her finally.”

James S.

“This year I came because I really enjoyed my experience on Summer Staff last year and also because it seemed like the logical next thing to do after I was on Teleios last spring.”

Jackson T.

“What has God taught you this summer?”

Jacob L.

“I think I’ve been learning how to work with new people and how to serve with them toward a common goal.”

James S.

“I think He has taught me a deeper reliance on Him as the only thing I need. Before I came to camp, I was very set in my comfortable life. I enjoy being home, but camp is where I have really learned to stretch myself and grow in the Lord.”

Jackson T.

“Would you recommend Summer Staff for someone else, and what kind of person would you recommend try it?”

Jacob L.

“Yes, I would definitely recommend it for people who are ready to serve the Lord. For my job? I would recommend anyone who enjoys working outside in any kind of weather.”

James S.

“I think that no matter what job you get here at camp, you find yourself serving the Lord. Whether you are cleaning bathrooms or leading children to Christ as their dorm leader, which I had the amazing opportunity to do this year, you see God working in your and other people’s lives. Really, Summer Staff is for anyone who wants to grow and trust in the Lord and feels that they are ready for a new challenge serving the Lord. Also, there aren’t many places where you can find Christian fellowship with so many other believers who are on fire for God.”

Kamryn Davey & Abril Mendez

We also sat down with this year’s Housekeeping Staff, Kamryn Davey and Abril Mendez, about how their experience on Summer Staff.

Jackson T.

“How did you find out about Living Waters Bible Camp?”

Kamryn D.

“My family moved to Westby a couple of years ago and I got connected with camp through Grace Church in Viroqua.”

Abril M.

“I got connected through Emmaus. We have a CMS (Christian Ministries Seminar) event at Emmaus that many camps and ministries come to. I happened to get connected with the LWBC booth because of the Mexico Mission Trip and I was encouraged to try Summer Staff.”

Jackson T.

“When was the first time you realized you wanted to be on Summer Staff?”

Kamryn D.

“I’ve wanted to be on Summer Staff ever since I did Foundation Camp when I was fifteen. I really looked forward to the possibility of doing it someday and this was the first year that God brought me here for the summer, rather than for just a couple of weeks.”

Abril M.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never been a camper before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, so it was a big step for me, but I prayed about it and God opened doors so that I was able to come.”

Jackson T.

“What is the hardest part of Summer Staff for you?”

Kamryn D.

I think the hardest thing for me is having my day scheduled out for me and not being able to decide how I spend time. There are things in housekeeping that you have to do every day at certain times and that wears on me. I’ve had to learn to rest when I can and to be encouraged by other people working with me.

Abril M.

For me, I think it was getting out of my comfort zone. I am a very shy person and I enjoy spending time by myself. One of the challenges of this summer was learning that I can’t just share the Gospel with myself. I have to be willing to get out of my comfort zone and do things that I am not used to and Summer Staff has helped me with that.