Ok, friends – we need your help!
This summer will be the 40th ANNIVERSARY of Living Waters Bible Camp. Pretty awesome, I know! The story of the camp is INCREDIBLE. Several men of God from different churches thought a farming field that used to grow tobacco could be used to one day help everyone who came there “to be more complete in Christ” (the LWBC vision).
And in order to show his faithfulness in a very visual way, we’re making a documentary! We are going back and telling the whole story of God’s work, and then we’re ending it by sharing testimonies of people whose lives have been touched by God at Living Waters, in both small and great ways.
But we need your help – we need your stories! Could you share in a short way how God has worked in your life through or at Living Waters? Maybe you could send a photo that includes you and a camper/counselor/friend at camp (with names too!)!
We would love to hear these stories so that we can just get a small taste of what GREAT WORK God faithfully does when His people faithfully obey Him.
We appreciate your help!
–LWBC Staff
p.s. Here are a few ideas of what you could include in your story/testimony:
  • How you were introduced to camp (and when)
  • Important people who encouraged you to go to camp, and your relationship with them
  • Your first impressions of camp
  • Your experiences at camp
  • How the Lord still uses your experiences at camp, today
  • How the Lord is working in your life today
Also, here’s a very general example of what testimony could look like — to help you out:
“I’m so grateful to have played a small part in the great work the Lord has done through Living Waters Bible Camp. I first found out about Living Waters when I was in college — our InterVarsity group takes an annual trip to the camp for a weekend retreat in the fall. Driving down into the valley for the first time, I knew I was entering a truly special place. Through the years, I’ve been able to counsel, go on the Mexico Mission Trip, help out in the kitchen, explore the beauty of the camp grounds, and get to know many members of the full-time and volunteer staff. (The Lord has surely equipped LWBC with some AMAZING staff members!)

I’m constantly in awe of all that the Lord has taught me through LWBC. He still uses memories of camp today, which help me remember how I need to yearn for him and also, to remind me of his faithfulness. To God be the glory!”