My name is Simon Maurer, I’m 20 years old, and I am from Belgium. Last year, (2016-2017) I took part in Teleios, a nine-month-service-oriented training program. It is meant to anybody who wants to serve God and who seeks a deeper relationship with Him.
Before coming, I wasn’t the kind of person that really liked to serve, nor was I very mature in my faith. I wasn’t that comfortable with my English, which was a challenge for me in the beginning and through the whole time I spent at camp.
I didn’t really have any expectations or apprehensions about the program so I wasn’t psychologically prepared for what was coming. To be honest, Teleios is intense! In a good way, though. During the 9 months, I learned a lot about myself and the way I interact and work with people, while being under pressure or simply in a daily routine. I learned to serve in a way that pleases God.
The most important thing that happened to me there was when I gave my life to God! The many Bible studies I attended, being a big part of Teleios’ learning, helped a lot. I think in order to go further in one’s faith, we must spend time in the Bible. And the Teleios leaders exhorted me to make it a routine in my spiritual life.

They also supported me in the more difficult times I went through and whenever I needed anything, they always did their best to help me out.
Being at camp the entire year opened my eyes to the “behind the scenes’” work that needs to get done to provide the guests the best experience possible. Things go great because the staff feels like a family.
There are always some hard times, of course, but it was great to see how God helped me through them. I learned to go to Him and to trust Him a lot more than I used to, and I still do.
These nine months were a blessing to me and I thank God he gave me the opportunity.
Simmon Maurer. Teleios Student 2016-2017