Teleios (Τελείως) is a Greek word that means to be brought to completion; fully accomplished, fully developed, and mature.
Colossians 1:28-29
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature (teleios) in Christ.”
Growing spiritually, and getting to complete maturity in Christ requires time, full surrender, humility, and a teachable heart. Achieving this hasn’t ever been easy for Christians, but when we decide to submit to God, unexpected things happen along the way. The result of our perseverance grants us growth and completeness in Christ. Teleios, a program born out of the heart of Living Waters Bible Camp ministry, is a nine-month internship program that helps young adults get closer to the Lord and encourages them to serve and grow. Students are driven towards maturity in Christ through the study of God’s Word, and the ministry needs of Camp. Teaching includes setting personal goals and discovery of spiritual gifts and talents.
This year, we welcome Jeel Narvaez from Oaxaca, Mexico; Daniel Perez from Guanajuato, Mexico, and Phillip Duckstein from La Motte IA. These three young men desire to learn how to serve the Lord through this ministry. As they discover what their interests are, they have chosen different ways to serve at Camp, Jeel will be involved in Marketing and Media, Daniel in the kitchen, and Phillip in Maintenance.
Jeel, Daniel, and Phillip will be serving at Camp, at church, and in the community while at the same time committing to Bible studies, daily devotions, fellowship with other believers, and serving others just like Christ. Thank you for praying for this ministry!
Gracias a Dios por la oportunidad para servir a nuestro Dios en este programa y por la disposición de estos jóvenes y sus instructores de entregar este tiempo. Seguiré en oración por ellos y por el campamento.
Que Dios les bendiga grandemente y les provea todo lo que necesitan.
1 Timoteo 4
12 Ninguno tenga en poco tu juventud, sino sé ejemplo de los creyentes en palabra, conducta, amor, espíritu, fe y pureza.
13 Entre tanto que voy, ocúpate en la lectura, la exhortación y la enseñanza.
15 Ocúpate en estas cosas; permanece en ellas, para que tu aprovechamiento sea manifiesto a todos.