“For me it was the community–knowing every day I would wake up and be working with people I love working with, and that we were all working towards the same goal.”

“For me it was the community–knowing every day I would wake up and be working with people I love working with and that we were all working towards the same goal.” Former (and now returning) summer staff member, Chad Frasier, summarizes his experience serving on summer staff at Living Waters Bible Camp. Aubrey Hart, also a returning member, has fond memories of the group being “like a little family.” Serving on summer staff at Living Waters Bible Camp is a wonderful opportunity to not only be a part of a close-knit community, but also to be trained in leadership skills and grow closer to the Lord.
What is the greatest blessing of serving on summer staff?
Besides the staff camaraderie, returning member Jacob Eisermann said his favorite part was seeing first-hand how God uses camp to influence kid’s lives to learn about or refocus on God; whether through being out in nature, from the teaching time, or through the relational impact of one of the staff.
What are some of the challenges?
You are living with the same people for eight weeks (which is also the best part!). And you are kept very busy. Being pushed to your limits, there is opportunity for growth.
How has being on summer staff made you better equipped for life and ministry?
“I feel better trained to lead and coach individuals that I’m working with, and that I am responsible for, but also how to better submit to my supervisors and to understand what goes on behind the scenes in a ministry. Seeing why certain decisions or rules are made,” Chad commented.
Aubrey mentioned that summer staff helped her in the growth area of leadership and responsibility. It also forced her to have a dedicated time in the day to focus on her relationship with God which carried over when she went back home.
Jacob shared that he learned miracles still happen. What do these miracles look like? “Coming into the family of God is a miracle.”
How can I get involved?
“There are tons of ways you can serve at Living Waters Bible Camp, anywhere from photography/videography, office, teaching nature programs, helping keep camp as good looking as ever in maintenance, and helping kids encounter Christ through leading them as a dorm leader. There are also so many more weekly opportunities that are just as awesome.” (Chad)
Where do I sign up?
You can start by filling out an application on the Living Waters’ website at:
What are the dates? Training starts June 8th and the last camp ends on August 10th.
Applications are due no later than April 1st. Hurry, because positions are filling fast!
Please consider and pray about this opportunity to serve the Lord on summer staff at Living Waters this year and be a part of a growing community.
“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”
1 Peter 4:19