2015 theme description

It is said that a person can survive more than three weeks without food, but only 3-4 days without water. And no wonder: as much as 65% of our body is made up of water.  Virtually every major system depends on an adequate supply, which means that thirst is not simply a matter of taste, it is the body’s way of keeping itself supplied with this most critical resource. We are designed with a need to satisfy our thirst.

This is no less true of our spiritual life, which depends upon a steady supply of Living Water that feeds the soul.  Unfortunately, we are living in a spiritual drought that is leaving our souls parched.

The good news is that Living Water is available through Christ.  The bad news is that so many pass Him by because they do not recognize within themselves the symptoms of spiritual thirst.  They are parched, but don’t realize it.

Our mission for 2015 is lead people to Christ, the source of Living Water.  But it is not enough to lead people to water; our biggest challenge is to awaken them to their desperate need for this Living Water, to help them recognize in themselves the symptoms of a parched soul that shows up in their relationships and priorities.

Thirsty?  Mark your calendar now to attend any of our camps and conferences.  Come ready to Satisfy Your Thirst.

2015 Summer Camp details are up on the website.  The Summer Camp brochure will be revealed exclusively during Winter Camp and then will be mailed out to everyone in January.  Look for your copy in the mail soon!