Safe Thinking
Here in Wisconsin our Governor has ordered a “Safer At Home” order until May 26th. In response to government mandate, camp has canceled all events and guest groups for the spring. Living Waters fully intends to follow and maintain all regulations for our facility regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. We are currently using the CDC guidelines for camps.
As we look towards the summer, our goal is to continue our mission “to reach, train and equip individuals to be servant leaders through the truth of God’s Word, intentional Godly relationships and adventures in His creation.” We are optimistic that ministry will still be possible in whatever format is allowable. As a staff we have implemented “Safe Thinking” practices to continue to function and sustain the ministry that God has so faithfully provided these past 50 years.
Although we don’t yet have all the pieces of the puzzle to make decisions about summer camps, we do know that we will hold camps within the boundaries of the law and incorporate Safe Thinking. Here are a few hypothetical scenarios of what camp could look like:
If camp is only allowed to host 50 campers at time we may shorten camps to half a week. This way half of our campers could come the first half while the other portion of campers may come the second half of the week. (80 campers= 40 Sun-Wed, 40 Wed-Sat)
We are purchasing temporal thermometers to continually monitor camper temperatures and immediately respond to any sign of infection.
We will adapt our programs to include social distancing practices.
Our Food Service is prepared to individually package meals for campers to eat.
An outdoor hand washing station is being built outside the Lodge.
We are looking into a large tent to have outside group meetings with campers 6 feet apart.
The Westby pool, adirondaks and wagon rides may not be possible.
Of course, if the restrictions are not lifted, we will not host campers. If restrictions are limited but we deem housing conditions to be unsafe, we may think about switching to Day Camp operations. We are looking at every possible scenario in order to find a way to serve.
Our mission has not changed. Our devotion to providing a safe place for campers to experience God has not changed. What will change is how we will achieve those two goals this summer. By practicing Safe Thinking we hope to see God work in amazing ways this summer.