From Kelly Siler:

There may have been just a small amount of families, but that definitely didn’t hinder the magnitude of how God worked in the lives of those of us who were able to attend Family Camp 2009. We were we able to enjoy great food, wonderful fellowship, and a short retreat (Sunday through Wednesday) with our families down at camp.

While the kids were out experiencing nature programs, the parents were blessed by the video series from the 2009 “Focus on Marriage” Conference. Though it was originally broadcast as a national simulcast conference, we didn’t feel like it was at all second-rate. The Lord still used the speakers from that conference to make a deep impact on our marriages — the foundation of our families.

I think it’s safe to say that we all left camp encouraged, well-nourished, and with a purer love for our spouse and family. Oh, and I probably shouldn’t talk about how much fun we (the parents) had playing “Digital Praise” one evening because I’m still not sure if we broke a rule by “dancing” at camp or not…
