Reflections from the Director
When you put 70 9th and 10th graders in one place for a week, something’s bound to happen, right? Well, it did. Those 70 teenagers accepted the challenge to offer their time, talents, treasure, and temple to God, and to have a committed relationship to His Son, Jesus Christ. Two campers took the first step in their walk with God, and accepted Christ as their Savior during the week. One of them lives 10 miles away from LWBC, but wanted to go to a different camp. When her parents asked her to go online and find a camp closer to home and less expensive, God brought her to Living Waters for the first time. I have a good feeling it won’t be the last time she’s in the peaceful valley! Praise God for each one of these 70 young people and their 15 counselors. Let’s pray for them as they begin school and put into practice the things they’ve seen and heard.
-Ken H.
Camper Quotes
“I learned that you’re glorifying God if you are being persecuted for your faith.”
-Mike M.
“All my talents can be used for God.”
-Billy P.
“This camp really turned me back to Christ. I had almost totally cut myself off from God but camp really turned my entire way of things around.”
Here are a few photos from the week: