It’s been 35 years since I (Paul Thompson) was a Boys Camper.  I have fond memories of running around playing capture the flag, competing in athletic events, swimming and even committing my life to the Lord. I loved camp so much and only dreamed of one day serving as the director.  Well, this year my dream came true.  With the help of my good friend Andy Douglass, I directed Boys Camp!

On June 25th, we welcomed 57 Boys Campers and 23 volunteers into the valley for an exciting week of camp.  We played games, experienced nature programs, studied God’s Word and all around had a great time.  Just like I used to when I was boy!

        Andy Douglass and Paul Thompson

Directing was certainly full of challenges, joy and personal growth.  Our theme was ‘Built On The Rock’ and we learned about Jesus’ parable of the wise man and foolish man from Matthew chapter seven.  I must admit my own view of this parable was challenged and stretched.  I had a picture, in my mind, of a small house built on the rock and small house built on the sand.  A little bit of wind and rain comes and down goes the house on the sand.  Boy was I wrong!  At the beginning of the week we showed the campers a video of a lighthouse built on rock engulfed in the ocean tide.  It stood strong against massive waves!  This is the new picture in my mind of what it’s like to build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ and what it is like when the storms of life come.

In talking with the young men at Boys Camp, it became evident that many of them live a life like this lighthouse being beaten by heavy waves.  They come from difficult places and live hard lives.  My heart is broken for these young men, but I rest assured that they heard the truth of God’s Word, the only thing that will help them in hard times.

Directing Boys Camp was a true blessing.  It was so encouraging to witness 57 young men beginning to build their own “house” on the rock.  As they leave camp, I pray that they will continue to lay spiritual bricks on top of the firm foundation begun at camp.  And, Lord willing, we will all return next year to learn even more.