Do you know when you are working on a project and think, “If I only had the right tool, this job would be so much easier.” As you can imagine, that happens a lot at camp: a taller ladder for painting, a better saw for building a wall, a  bigger oven for cooking meals, a faster computer for editing video. The “wish-list” can go on and on.

Every now and then, those wish list items are added to our Objectives List. Items on this list receive concentrated prayer and pursuit. A Skid Steer is one tool that was recently moved from the “wish-list” to the Objectives List. A skid steer is a powerful tool that makes any maintenance worker drool. Especially Chris Sutton! Due to damage done to the valley by excessive rain, camp’s need for a skid steer for landscaping repair was at an all-time high. 

We are praising God that it is no longer on the list but is here at camp! After a few weeks of prayer, a generous donor offered a Kubota SVL 75-2 at an afordable price. Another donor stepped in and donated a majority of the cost. We are thankful we were able to take the skid steer to camp and now only have a remaining balance of $2,000 to pay it off.

Chris is so excited about the new tool. He has already used the brush attachment to clean up our roads after the winter. The auger and bucket attachments will certainly be used on a regular basis for camp projects.

Perhaps you get as excited as Chris does about skid steer machines. We would ask you to join us in praying for the remainder of funds needed for the Kubota. Perhaps the Lord is leading you to help with this project. If you would like to partner in this project simply click here and visit our website.