Many of you are aware The Fort area at camp has been under construction for several years.  With some extra help this year we’ve been making some great progress.  You can see, in the picture below, that the courtyard of the fort is nearly complete! We have hosted a few groups at the Fort over the years including CRU leadership who has enjoyed the setting that promotes serving one another.

One purpose we have for the Fort is to offer Pioneer Programs for groups hoping to grow in developing leadership through serving in a rustic setting. In September, we hosted a group that is starting a new Christian High School (Issac Newton Christian School) in Cedar Rapids Iowa. They refer to the first class of students as the Trail Blazing Class which was a great fit for the Fort Experience. Together, with the Fort experience we also provided sessions that connect the Christian Life with overcoming obstacles while pressing forward. Heb 12:1-3

The new 9th grade class of the new Issac Newton Christian School also enjoyed Creation and Adventure Programs, team building, cooking meals over the fire, learning to focus on the right target and enjoying some great fellowship together.

As a team adventure challenge they designed a plan for an imaginary 5 month journey in a 10 foot long wagon. This activity prompted decision making and consideration of what is truly necessary for a journey to a new land.  This provided many analogies to our journey together as fellow believers.


A few of the students made some encouraging statements on their evaluations.

“Through spending time with my class, we grew closer together and to God.”

One highlight was “learning about trailblazing and relating it to our school.”

“I saw Christ working in my life.”

A favorite was “learning about God’s creation.”

“It was fun using my spiritual gifts.”

We look forward to seeing how God will use this unique resource at camp to impact His Kingdom!