Is Genesis History? If you ask this question in our society today you will likely receive two very different answers but both of them will be “Yes.” It’s kind of a loaded question with a double meaning.
Ask an evolutionist “Is Genesis History?” and they will likely answer “Yes, because it is an outdated theory that has no relevance in science today.”
Ask a creation scientist “Is Genesis History?” and they will likely answer “Yes, we can depend on the Genesis account as the literal history of creation.”

From either worldview, the topic of creation is a hot topic in our world today. Our schools, media and courts assume creation is a myth that has been proven wrong by modern science. But is that the truth? Is Genesis History takes a close look at the scientific proof available to us about creation as described in the book of Genesis.
Is Genesis History? Official Movie Trailer In Theaters – One Night Only -February 23 What exactly happened, “In the beginning …” and in the time that followed? Troughout most of history, Genesis was considered an accurate and reliable record, over the past 250 years, it has become one of the most controversial books of all time.
For one day only Is Genesis History will be available in a movie theater near you. I encourage you to visit the Is Genesis History website to find a location. If you are in the LaCrosse area, Living Waters will be hosting the movie at the Marcus Theater.
Join us on February 23rd for this premier creation training opportunity. Reserve your tickets today on the Living Waters website.