This past year we have been learning about being “Created for Worship” and I’ve heard Dave Hart simply state that worship is “making God BIG!” Of course God is the same today as He was when He created all that we see around us, what’s changed is our perception of God.  We no longer understand that we are encountering the God of the universe each and every day. Living Waters provides all our guests opportunities to encounter God: during our Creation programs, while they challenge themselves on our adventure activities, and as our staff and volunteers serve each group in love.

Our Creation programs had a dual focus this year as we looked at the ideas of rest and worship.  One family commented that the “Cost of Worship” program (which focused on the persecuted church and martyrs from throughout history) had, “significant spiritual impact on our family already.”  The impact of this program was also seen at Boy’s Camp as the campers spent time writing letters to Christians who are enduring persecution around the world today.

With all our adventure activities, we desire to point our guests to God as they challenge themselves and experience the wonders of God first hand.  A teacher from Illinois commented after a canoe trip on the Kickapoo River, “It’s amazing to see the beauties of God’s creation.”  Following an afternoon of Team, Adventure, Challenge a high school student commented, “I can really count on my classmates with my struggles and they’re willing to help me.”

In greeting each group that comes to camp I like to welcome them not only to camp, but to welcome them to our family.  Since 1970, family has been essential to the work being done at camp.  The families who spent hours traveling all over the Midwest to build camp, the families who have given decades of volunteer service and the families that are now serving as full-time staff.  This dedication to service does not go unnoticed, “The loving staff”, “Clear attitude of heartfelt service”, “a peaceful place to focus on God”, and “I love it here! I wanna live here!” are just a few of the comments of Thanks that we’ve received this year.