After 28 years of serving as Executive Director, Dennis and Mary Ann feel their time in this role is coming to an end. They prayerfully look forward to what the Lord has in store for them in other capacities at camp. They have given the Living Waters Board advanced notice to plan and prepare for this transition. As the Board has prayerfully discussed this next step, they have moved forward to hire a consultant, Steve Cohen, to help camp through this process.

   Steve is a follower of Jesus Christ who has experience in Succession Planning, as well as an understanding of Board Policy Governance®, which has been our model over the last 13 years. We believe Steve will be able to guide us in an orderly and timely manner.

   Our first step is to self-reflect and evaluate what kind of attributes our next Executive Director should bring to Living Waters. We seek to find a leader who will strive to maintain our current ministry, and help guide us toward future growth as a ministry. This evaluation took place beginning in the summer season. Once this evaluation is completed we will start interviewing and vetting possible candidates. As of now, we see the new Executive Director as someone who will grow into or be trained for the role rather than someone coming in and taking over immediately. We feel this will keep the continuity of our ministry flowing and also allow the next Executive Director to ease into their new role.

   We appreciate your ongoing support and prayers over the years and are looking forward to see where God will direct Living Waters in the future. Please join us in prayer as we move through this transition.

   The position has been posted publicly on the national Christian Camp and Conference Association website. Go to CCCA to read the description.

   As supporters of Living Waters, we value your input. If you have any questions or concerns about this succession process please feel free to contact a Board member.

   Thank you for your support and we will continue to update you throughout this transition process.

   Anyone interested in the position or would like to refer someone for the position may contact Contact Steve via email.

   On behalf of the Board,

   Dan Melcher Jr., Board President

   The Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” 2 Thes. 3:3