As we kick off summer camps, we have lots of prayer requests! We appreciate your prayers. Here is a list of a few current requests:
- That their hearts are ready.
- We have a lot of room for all camps – we need more campers!
- We combined Family Camp #1 with/into Family camp #2 and still have room for many families!
- Safety for all.
- We are encouraging families struggling with the current economic state to not be afraid to ask for help so they can be encouraged form the Lord.
- Pray for Work Week and helpers. We have lots of shingles to put on. We have lots of staining and cleaning to do.
- Foundation camp started Saturday, June 13th.
- Boy’s Camp starts this weekend.
- That they come filled with the Holy Spirit and “ready to give an answer”.
- That they come rested and ready to give their all.
- We are all have full schedules but are enjoying serving together – pray Satan stays out of the way!
- Pray for the staff as the fall will be just as busy or more than the summer months. We will need help with food service and activities. We have 7 new groups scheduled between this spring and fall that have signed up since asking the Lord to fill some spots in the schedule.
- Pray we find a replacement for Missy.
- Ray and Kelly started the beginning of this month as part-time Marketing Manger. We hope they can be of help to inform people of where they can be involved at Living Waters Bible Camp.
- The Seeleys start the end of this month.
- Were holding steady until this month when the impact of less campers signing up meant less registration fees coming in. We are at over a $20,000 drop in fees.
- The staff worked real hard this winter and we just received an $11,000 return from our pre-pay propane account. This is a praise to help with the other shortfall.
- Pray we don’t run worried or fret but are careful with all the Lord brings in.
Thanks for praying!
On behalf of all the staff,