Any builder will tell you that a good foundation is the key for a sound structure. A skyscraper cannot go up unless its footings are firmly set in bedrock, even if that means drilling down hundreds of feet! Scripture reveals to us that the world around is like shifting sand, here today and gone tomorrow. In the book of Second Samuel, God tells us that He alone is our rock and fortress. In Matthew, Jesus refers to himself as the Cornerstone.
God’s word routinely warns us to build a foundation on the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ. When the wind blows and the rain falls, only a life built on a strong foundation will stand strong.
What is your spiritual life built on? Joins us at Living Waters Bible Camp this year to help make sure your life is “Built On The Rock”!
Of course our new theme comes with outstanding programs. A few of our nature programs will include Gold Panning, Mount St. Helens’ Adventure and Rock Hounds. Activities will feature rapelling, bouldering and spelunking.