Out of all the different hot topics discussed today in the media, in our homes, or at church, a rare (and rather sensitive) topic is tithing.

No one really likes thinking about money; how much we make, how to budget it, or how it is actually spent.  So don’t worry; I’m not going to write about it.

Instead, let’s talk about tithing our time.

For those of you who are interested in contributing to camp, but are finding it difficult to make ends meet financially, we would love for you to consider “donating” some of your time (whether it be just one afternoon, or as much as a week) to volunteer your smiling face and serving heart to impact the lives of the hundreds of kids who come to camp every summer.

All you need to give is some time.  In the end our goal, after our “three score years and ten”, is to hear the Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

The first time I (Rae Dehnart) stepped foot into the Living Waters kitchen, back in 2013, I had no idea what I was getting into.

I’ve worked in a variety of places in the past; some including a kitchen setting and preparing food for people, and I was excited to volunteer and serve God in the kitchen at camp.

When I started, I certainly had the mindset of “what can I do for camp?” or “what can I do to make the camp experience great for campers?”

A great mindset, to be sure, since I came with a servant’s heart. I truly wasn’t doing it out of selfishness. I wanted God to use me in order to positively impact campers and their families.

Tim, Rae and River Dehnart

I had no idea just how much the experience would change me as well.

Working in a kitchen has challenges; but they are often fun, because the Living Waters environment is completely different than a normal “work” setting. People are there to serve God and to reach people for Christ.  I’ve never found a more positive environment to serve, learn, and grow in, than at Living Waters (and the kitchen, especially!)

The best conversations and learning experiences in my entire life have been right there in the kitchen. Serving with other volunteers from all different kinds of backgrounds, with all different kinds of personalities and stories, is a great way to make friends; an opportunity to encourage, and be encouraged.

And there’s good news! You can do it too!  Living Waters is always open to kitchen volunteers!

We would love to have you or your church group come serve with us as we reach, train, and equip servant leaders through the truth of God’s Word, and adventures in His creation.

For more information about how you can “tithe your time” at Living Waters, please visit lwbc.org or call: (608) 634-4373

Written by: Rae D.