Aubrey Habel shares her experience at camp:
Senior High Camp is…
– Motivational
Camp gives you the opportunity to hit the ground running. Every morning I woke up and did devotions – the peacefulness of camp is very helpful when you need to focus on the Lord. Because campers have the time and encouragement to do things like this, they can form habits that will grow their relationship with the Lord immensely.
– Options
The exciting aspect of Senior High Camp is the ability to choose. Campers get to choose the class they would like to attend, as well as what they would like to do during open options some afternoons. As a camper, there is independence in deciding what message to listen to, and you can base your choice on the earlier chapel sessions involving everyone. Some of the classes are continuations of chapel, which provides insight to those who have questions on the session or would simply like to hear more.
– Impactful
This might come as a shock, but not everyone who goes to a Christian camp like Living Waters is a Christian. However, everyone at Living Waters has the ability to impact someone else positively. My relative also went to Senior High Camp the same week as me. At the start of the week, I noticed a camper who would swear sometimes as well as make bad jokes. I called them out on it because I assumed they were a Christian. Throughout the week, I, as well as some friends, prayed for this camper. On the last full day during worship, this camper told my relative that they wanted to be saved. They prayed together, and the camper accepted Christ! That is really meaningful to me because I saw God working in powerful ways. “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)
– Stretching
What I mean by stretching, is that camp is about getting out of your comfort zone. During one of the nature programs where campers get to hold animals, I sat next to a girl who did not like snakes. Of course in this program you have the option to hold a snake. I was talking to the girl and we decided that she should at least try it, and that if she didn’t like it I would take the snake right back. So she tried something she thought she’d hate, and she held a snake!
– The Path of Life
Camp gives you a headstart – it sets you on the Path of Life and it is your job to continue on that Path. At the end of the week, you’ve made friendships that are going to encourage you along that path, and God has given you every resource you need to get there. It is up to you to start walking.