Over the past two months, our staff and volunteers have been able to serve a wide variety of guest groups. We served a total of 845 guests in August and September; youth groups, Christian schools, family retreats, and college students. We had opportunities to share the Gospel and provide our guests with times of spiritual growth through our creation programs, team building activities and adventure activities.
We welcomed two new school groups to the peaceful valley this fall. Seven Rivers Public Charter school from Lacrosse came to camp in early September with their Junior and Senior class. They spent time focusing on leadership development and team building. We are always excited to serve a public school group! Isaac Newton Christian Academy from Cedar Rapids, IA became our first school group to utilize the Fort for their 9th grade retreat.
Another new opportunity we had at camp this month was to host the Westby Area Chamber of Commerce. Local business owners and leaders, including the mayor, gathered in the Living Waters Twin Oaks room. Dennis led them in strategic planning exercises. It is a privilege for camp to be a resource for the community in this way. Building relationships with our neighbors is an important value to the camp.
The guest group season is a busy time at camp, but it is also a very rewarding time of ministry and service. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers that made it possible.
To find out more about booking a guest group at camp click here.