Reflections from the Director
This year, there were 40 young adults in attendance at Foundation Camp. This was an excellent group of young people – we thank the Lord for the many young adults interested in learning more about building a solid foundation.
This year’s teaching and training fit under three components of Christian Maturity – Self Control, Godly Wisdom, and Responsibility. We trust that the two weeks of two hours per day in Bible Study plus many hours of teaching, a good amount of service projects, along with a couple of opportunities to witness on the streets will not only impact the lives of those who attended, but impact the building of God’s Kingdom around the world.
Additionally, the time in the fort area and covered wagons was an excellent setting for training, as there are some natural opportunities to serve one another, as well as minimize the many distractions of the world.
It is truly a great privilege to serve with the other leaders in this program to help train young adults interested in impacting others for the glory of the Lord. As the culture is changing and hardening quickly, it will take mature individuals to help meet the culture’s needs.
God Bless,
Dennis S.
Camper Quotes
This camp was unique in that we asked each camper to write out, specifically, what they would take home and try to implement in their lives from this point on. Here are just a few, of many, wonderful quotes:
“Thank you for these two weeks – they have impacted me more as a Christian, and as a person, than anything in my whole life.”
-Phillip K.
“A good leader listens. I need to listen first and speak second.”
-Garrett S.
“I learned that my relationship with Christ is like a marriage relationship – I need to learn to be 100% sufficient in him.”
-Jessica K.
“I am a citizen of heaven, and as such, I am an ambassador for Christ. I desire for the world to recognize this by the way I look, speak, and act. Not only that, but I hope for them to desire to be citizens of heaven by watching me and other believers as we follow Jesus.”
-Sharayah J.
Here are a few photos from the week:

Reflections from the Director
This year, there were 40 young adults in attendance at Foundation Camp. This was an excellent group of young people – we thank the Lord for the many young adults interested in learning more about building a solid foundation.
This year’s teaching and training fit under three components of Christian Maturity – Self Control, Godly Wisdom, and Responsibility. We trust that the two weeks of two hours per day in Bible Study plus many hours of teaching, a good amount of service projects, along with a couple of opportunities to witness on the streets will not only impact the lives of those who attended, but impact the building of God’s Kingdom around the world.
Additionally, the time in the fort area and covered wagons was an excellent setting for training, as there are some natural opportunities to serve one another, as well as minimize the many distractions of the world.
It is truly a great privilege to serve with the other leaders in this program to help train young adults interested in impacting others for the glory of the Lord. As the culture is changing and hardening quickly, it will take mature individuals to help meet the culture’s needs.
God Bless,
Dennis S.
Camper Quotes
This camp was unique in that we asked each camper to write out, specifically, what they would take home and try to implement in their lives from this point on. Here are just a few, of many, wonderful quotes:
“Thank you for these two weeks – they have impacted me more as a Christian, and as a person, than anything in my whole life.”
-Phillip K.
“A good leader listens. I need to listen first and speak second.”
-Garrett S.
“I learned that my relationship with Christ is like a marriage relationship – I need to learn to be 100% sufficient in him.”
-Jessica K.
“I am a citizen of heaven, and as such, I am an ambassador for Christ. I desire for the world to recognize this by the way I look, speak, and act. Not only that, but I hope for them to desire to be citizens of heaven by watching me and other believers as we follow Jesus.”
-Sharayah J.
Here are a few photos from the week:

Reflections from the Director
This year, there were 40 young adults in attendance at Foundation Camp. This was an excellent group of young people – we thank the Lord for the many young adults interested in learning more about building a solid foundation.
This year’s teaching and training fit under three components of Christian Maturity – Self Control, Godly Wisdom, and Responsibility. We trust that the two weeks of two hours per day in Bible Study plus many hours of teaching, a good amount of service projects, along with a couple of opportunities to witness on the streets will not only impact the lives of those who attended, but impact the building of God’s Kingdom around the world.
Additionally, the time in the fort area and covered wagons was an excellent setting for training, as there are some natural opportunities to serve one another, as well as minimize the many distractions of the world.
It is truly a great privilege to serve with the other leaders in this program to help train young adults interested in impacting others for the glory of the Lord. As the culture is changing and hardening quickly, it will take mature individuals to help meet the culture’s needs.
God Bless,
Dennis S.
Camper Quotes
This camp was unique in that we asked each camper to write out, specifically, what they would take home and try to implement in their lives from this point on. Here are just a few, of many, wonderful quotes:
“Thank you for these two weeks – they have impacted me more as a Christian, and as a person, than anything in my whole life.”
-Phillip K.
“A good leader listens. I need to listen first and speak second.”
-Garrett S.
“I learned that my relationship with Christ is like a marriage relationship – I need to learn to be 100% sufficient in him.”
-Jessica K.
“I am a citizen of heaven, and as such, I am an ambassador for Christ. I desire for the world to recognize this by the way I look, speak, and act. Not only that, but I hope for them to desire to be citizens of heaven by watching me and other believers as we follow Jesus.”
-Sharayah J.
Here are a few photos from the week: