We ask that any families who have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 or have had fevers in their home in the last 7-14 days before camp, to not come. You will be given a full refund.
A week prior to your camp our camp staff send you an email for Pre Check-in looking at balance due, forms, medications, authorized pick-up and much more.
Check-in will be between 2-3:30 pm on Sundays.
Those picking up campers will be checked for whether they are on the “Authorized Pick-up” list. Make sure you have the right person for authorized pick-up listed on your camper’s registration.
For check-out, we invite your family to join us for a 9:30 breakfast and closing program. Otherwise, check-out is at 10:30.
By God’s grace, He has sustained this ministry for the last 50 years. We trust that He will continue to lead us to fulfill our mission in a safe way. We will apply safe thinking to our methods but above all else, we trust in the Lord our God.