This spring marks the end of the second year of the Living Waters Teleios program.  It’s hard to believe we’ve already completed two years.  The word Teleios is a Greek word found in the key verse Colossians 1:28-29, “We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature (Greek: teleios) in Christ. To this end we labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in us.

The mission of the Teleios program is to propel students toward maturity in Christ, so that the power of the life of Christ can be unleashed in them as they obey His command to make disciples of all nations.  In this second year of the program, we welcomed Simon Maurer from Belgium and Makala Willette from Minnesota. Makala has been a longtime camper at Living Waters while Simon literally had no idea what he was getting into.  He just came to learn English.

Through serving at camp, evening Bible studies, Teleios classes, prayer meetings, and living with a family in ministry, the students are challenged to grow in their walk with Christ and their service to His kingdom.

Simon said that he “came to learn English but God brought him here for another purpose.”  You see, Simon knew about God but did not know Him as his Lord and Savior when he came to Living Waters.  Simon committed his life to the Lord this year and plans to return to school in Belgium to study linguistics.  He says he is considering a calling to Bible translation someday.

Makala came to learn more about food service but also grew emotionally and spiritually.  She started in the kitchen last fall helping where needed and now she is a head cook for meals for our guest groups.  She also testifies of the growth she has encountered this past year.   She plans to continue to serve in the kitchen this summer as Summer Staff.

Makala and Simon served long and hard alongside the full-time staff at camp.  It was such a joy to watch them grow through challenge and learn from experience.  It is with sadness that we say good bye to Makala and Simon but we are grateful to God for the way He worked in their lives and through the ministry of Living Waters.  Simon returned home last week and Makala will soon return to serve on Summer Staff.

If you or someone you know would be interested in the training available through Teleios please review the program on our website.