Millions of Americans have already gone to see the film Lincoln in the first few weeks since release. What is it about the old familiar Lincoln story that compels us to hear it again and again? The film portrayed many gripping scenes exhibiting the President and his passion for his convictions. In such a critical time in our nation’s history this man exhibited the kind of leadership that sacrificed his health, his family and ultimately his life in pursuit of his goal of reunification the country and freedom for all Americans. Perhaps it was Lincoln’s passion for his convictions that makes his life such a compelling story.
In the book “Credibility” by Kouzes and Posner, passion is listed as an essential element in leadership. Passion is inspiring but true passion does not come easily. Kouzes and Posner say “suffering breeds increased passion for the goal or cause. The myth is that passion comes from joy. It does not. The word passion has its roots in the Greek and Latin words for suffering. Leaders have risked their independence, their fortunes, their health and sometimes their lives for people and a purpose beyond themselves.”
Lincoln certainly sacrificed and suffered for his cause. Do you have a cause you are willing to sacrifice for?
Do you have convictions that you are unwilling to compromise? Christ calls us to “take up your cross, daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) If we are to be Servant Leaders we must submit ourselves to the cause of Christ and then pursue Him with all our passion. The next time you encounter hardship in working for the cause of Christ consider it fuel for your passion!