Give Thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.“ 1 Thess. 5:18

We want to give thanks to the Lord and thanks to our supporters, donors, and volunteers. We thank the Lord and supporters like you for all of the contributions for the New Cabins, the Wilderness Fort, the new Vehicle for Promotion and Development, the new skid-steer, and all your prayers and support for the staff!

Projects Completed:

· The new camper and staff cabins are almost complete and on schedule to be ready for use come mid-June. Just in time for summer camps to start!

· A skid-steer was able to be purchased, along with an auger, bucket, and sweeper attachments, thanks to a couple of generous donors!

· A 2011 Yukon was donated to camp, which we will be selling to help purchase a newer minivan for camp promotion and development!

Projects In Progress :

· Completion of the next phase of the Wilderness Fort was adjusted to Fall 2018, as flood repair and other projects needed to take priority.

· We continue to gather stories and photos from all generations for the Camp History Wall. Many of these stories are being edited and collected with the 50th anniversary in mind.

New Projects:

We have two new projects that we are considering:
1. New Seal-coat – The Township is planning to repair and add seal-coat to Reo Ave this year! They have offered to run our project through their account to get the township. We started resurfacing the worst spots two years ago for 3 times that cost. We are hoping to do all the seal-coated surfaces at camp (over 1 1/2 miles) for a total of $28,500. (We have $2000 already in an account for road upkeep). Please pray about this great opportunity to maintain the roads all around camp at a great price. Please note that seal-coat is rated for 7-10 years and the road was done 12 years ago.

2. The Office Addition – For many years the office and administration building has continued to go through change to add more functions and to fit in staff crowded into the existing space. We have arrived to the point of absolutely needing additional space for the video staff, storage space for Andrew in guest services, and for Andy Douglass, as he comes to take some burden from Andrew Jackson in serving our school groups. This addition will be about 28 feet by 30 feet and will cost about $30,000.

Please pray about these projects and how you can be involved, and as the Lord is opening more doors to serve more guests pray that we would maintain our focus and remember the real purpose of our ministry: to build Christ followers who are servant leaders and live out a biblical worldview.