Summer camps are complete and summer campers, volunteers and staff have gone home. The first day without campers in the valley is always an eerie feeling. Too quiet but it doesn’t last long. Soon after summer, social media lights up with photos from the summer. Pictures and comments about “the most amazing summer ever” and “I will miss you guys!” flood the internet. We all have those most cherished moments from camp but what makes it really special is the unity we experience through Jesus Christ. My favorite social media post was from summer staffer Aubrey Hart, who said, “Friendship is a beautiful thing. But how much more radiant it becomes when Christ is the common bond! Until next time friends!”
What is it about camp that creates these intense, powerful and lasting relationships? It is two things. First it is, as Aubrey mentioned, the common bond of our Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, it is the spiritual growth and training that occurs through disciplining.
Living Waters Bible Camp uses God’s Word and Adventures in His creation to help build servant hearted, sold-out followers of Christ. Jesus Christ, and His wondrous love for us, is why we are here and is the message we share with every camper that comes in the valley. It is the very person of Jesus Christ which permeates our relationships and unites us as one. At camp, nearly everyone you meet is a bother or sister in Christ. It is fertile ground for Godly relationships.

Discipleship is the other ingredient to building memorable relationships at camp. Jesus often took His disciples away for the purpose of teaching and training. It is this process of getting away from our daily busyness, spending time in God’s creation with like minded people and serving one another that refuels us spiritually and challenges us to grow.

At Living Waters discipleship occurs when one generation proclaims God’s glory to the next. It happens in the dorms, in the classroom, at the pool and in the chapel. We have always been intentional about the training and equipping which occurs at camp. Living Waters has created an environment where people can slow down and spend time in God’s Word, spend time in His Creation and spend time with His people.
If you would like to help make sure this ministry is here for future campers please consider offering a contribution. We are nearing the end of our financial year and your gift makes a significant difference in the success of this ministry.