As members of the body of Christ, we must learn to be unified, working together as we each use what the Lord has given us to further His work (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). With this in mind, Living Waters Bible Camp partners with the church to help the body become stronger in community, fellowship, and unity. 

Camp does not exist to do the work of the church, but to help equip the body of Christ to carry on the work we have been given. Camp desires to be unified with your church in fellowship, spiritual edification, and service. Whatever the need, we hope to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ, so they leave stronger than they came. 

Many churches have found it beneficial for a representative of Living Waters to come give a camp presentation. A camp visit to your church may include a presentation about camp, a teaching lesson during your Awana or another youth ministry, a display set up in your front foyer, and even a visit from one of camp’s fun creatures! 

The Living Waters representative will talk about this year’s theme, In His Image, and how that topic will be focused on during this year’s camp events. We have found that the best way people hear about camp is word of mouth. A personal visit by a camp representative is a great option for your church to introduce more families to camp and hear firsthand what the camp experience looks like. 

It is also important for us to use these events to carry on connections with churches. We want to have fellowship with your church and better understand how we may partner with you. These events are a great way for camp to share about the Lord’s blessings and faithfulness and for us to hear the same about your church. As members of the body, let us encourage one another and work together to be more united. 

We would love to serve your church and its individual families. Please prayerfully consider if your church would benefit from hearing more of what camp has to offer your local church and its members. 

For further information on setting up a promotional at your church please contact the camp office. 

By Katie Brown