Dear LWBC Community:

Two years ago almost to the day the Lord laid it on my heart to move back to my hometown. I spent a lot of time in prayer and searching out His will, mostly to my shame, because apart from God’s prompting it was something I had no desire to do at all. I talked to Theo, Dennis, and John L. about the process of what I needed to be doing to really search out if it was His will. God was really showing me through things I was reading and through prayer that it was what He wanted me to do, but He never worked out the final details.

Over the last two years, the desire has never left and I continued to pray about it and I often wondered if I missed something. The last time I went home I came back with the desire being even stronger. The Lord allowed this desire to come back right before I was starting my 20-day fast (through The Lord’s Table course). I started the fast wanting to commit this to prayer during this time.

Half-way through my fast the Lord answered me in such a clear way that there was no ignoring it. I talked to Dennis on Friday and told him I wanted to take the weekend to seek some confirmation that it was what He truly wanted me to do. Well, He spent the weekend confirming that it is what He wants me to do.

This is a very exciting and scary step for me in my life. I know this is a desire God has given me because – apart from that – the desire is not there. I LOVE camp, Westby, the chapel and those of you who have really become my family here – it will truly be heartbreaking to leave you all.

I would really appreciate your prayers during this time! All that this decision entails is starting to set in and I am so excited… but also thinking I might be crazy. 🙂 I do rest in the fact that even though this will be hard, He will take me through it and He will supply my needs!
