Reflections from the Director
As we sit back and reflect on what has happened over the last several months with the preparation and ultimately the implementation of the 3rd-6th Grade Camp program, we can’t help but see the workings of our great, sovereign God! We saw God’s blessings, His guidance and direction, and His careful leading. As requested, He renewed our strength daily. Three young people accepted Christ, and a few children made assurances of salvation. We had an awesome staff that worked well together and evidenced a desire to serve God by serving the campers.
One of our main goals going into camp, besides making sure that the Gospel was clearly proclaimed and that the children saw the love of Christ in all of the staff, was to encourage the campers to renew their spiritual strength daily by implementing a time of personal devotions with God into their daily schedule (not only while they were at camp, but also when they went home). Starting Monday morning right after breakfast, we explained to the campers the importance of feasting on the Word of God daily to provide us with the spiritual nutrients we needed to get through our days. We had each dorm divide up into small groups and find a spot outside/ inside/ or wherever they chose. The counselor in each group led and instructed the children in what a personal devotion time with God could look like.
It was such a blessing to walk around camp every morning after breakfast and see small groups of children participating in devotion time with their counselors. One group of girls huddled all together around their counselor on the rock between the foot bridge and lodge, two other groups laid claims to the foot bridge (girls group on one end, boys group on the other), one group chose the bell tower, another the swings, another group took up residence on the new cement bridge over the dry wash. No matter where the groups met, the campers listened and participated in the reading of God’s word and praying.
We pray that seeds were sown into the hearts of these young people, and the desire to feast on His Word continues.
Praise God for an exciting week at camp!!
-Tim and Mindy Seeley
Camper Quotes
“I learned that God never breaks His promises.”
-Martin E.
“GREAT camp, great food, great teaching, and great counselors.”
-Mario D.
“My favorite things about camp include riding the horses, meeting my counselors for the week, and becoming their friend.”
-C. Jackson
“It was the best week ever.”
-Leela F.
Here are a few photos from the week: